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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One Mistake I Did That You shouldn't repeat :D

Hye everyone !! Wasszzuppp!!!!!!
Welcome to my blog again.. This blog has been live since 11th of August and the common mistake I did in this 4 months is that I posted very less... At first of this blog, I used to day that you need to post at least 3 posts in a week but I am going beyond of myself .. Just opposite is happening to me.. I publish a post hardly 1 in 2-3 weeks these dayz...
But strange is happening and my fate is in my favor. Posting very lessly also, I get an average of 75-100 visitors everyday which is bigger than before:D.. But his doesn't happens to everyone and everyday. I was surprised to see the stats yesterday which was showing only 2 visitors and I promised myself to publish an article on my blog and also comment on other blogs and a surprise, I got 50 visitors in 1 hours in Online... So, that's what hapening to me. My fate is Playing good as well as bad game with me.. Now, from Today, I'm gonna post very frequently and also suggest all the visitors to post regularly on their blog/website:D.. 

My mistakes that you shan't repeat:
Posting Very Less
Monthly Posting :D
Blogging For Money

That's all my mistakes....So, Plzz Don't repeat them 

Good Night to everyone in InterNet :P

Thursday, December 1, 2011

RSS,, WTF is that???

What-Is-RssWhat is RSS?

RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites.
In the ‘old days’ of the web to keep track of updates on a website you had to ‘bookmark’ websites in your browser and manually return to them on a regular basis to see what had been added. RSS is a technology that keeps the record of every blogs you follow or everyone that has followed your blog.. RSS is very common these days.. Everyone having a blog/websites keeps RSS feed subscription option on his/her blog.  By this they also get some popularity in Alexa.. So, keeping RSS feed helps you to know how many loyal readers do you have who check your blog frequently....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Refferal Websites Mean to You?

Here, In this post, I'm gonna tell you the value and importance of refferal websites
First of all let me tel you what are REFFERAL WEBSITES?
Refferal Websites is the websites, from here you get visits to your blog. It an be a small blog to a big social network. The source from where you get something is called refferal source. So refferal websites are the sources from where you get visitors for your blog.. You can get a refferal visit by commenting on other blogs, posting your website's link in social network or either by doing surveys...
Well, before 1 Month, I also didn't knew any value of those refferal websites, but in this 1 Months, I've learnt a lot from them..
In this 1 month, I did many things for refferal visits.....I commented in manu big blogs like,,, and many others.. I totally posted 30-40 comments and got a lot of benifites from them.... My blog used to get only upto 50-75 visitors everyay but now I'm getting an average of 150 visitors every day.....
I get 
20 visitors from
10 visitors from
5-10 visitors from
and the largest,
around 50 visitors from
So in total, I get around 100 visitors from those refferal sites...........
And the rest of 50 I get from serach engines and some direct visitors......
So, I wanna tell you that the refferal websites are greatest source of visitors for your websites/blog.. Ypu can get refferal visits by many ways as I mentioned....So, for your blog's traffic and good ranking, refferal visitors are great help.... You will really need thm if you want to be a successful blogger..

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Secret Ingredient to a Successful Blog

f you’ve been blogging for any amount of time, you’ve heard that content is king. You’ve been told that everything else—design, SEO, in and outbound links—those things are a bonus, but the real thing you need to focus on is your content.
And it’s true, content is king, because even an SEO-optimized blog with a beautiful, user-friendly design and a parade of in and outbound links will fail without great content.
But although content is important, there’s something more—something that only you can bring to the table, something that only you have to offer that will really make your blog shine. A secret ingredient that will make your blog unforgettable.

Your voice matters

The fact is, if you’re looking to build your blog on completely unique content, you’re going to run out of ideas very quickly. Chances are anything you want to talk about has already been covered by at least a dozen other bloggers, and it’s not because you’re unoriginal or a terribly unimaginative person—it’s just because there are only so many things to talk about.
The question you need to ask yourself is: what keeps readers coming back to your blog, when they could go elsewhere for the same information?
Can you guess what the answer is? I’m talking about that secret ingredient again. Your voice, your take, your worldview—those are the things that make you memorable. Those are the things that make you stand out in an ocean of blogs.

You have a gift

You have something priceless, a gift that you were born with, a gift often taken for granted: no one can think or speak or write the way you do. The way you put words on the page, how you interpret the world—those are treasures that can’t be taken away from you, treasures you should cherish.
Maybe you’re like me and you write about writing. Guess what?—there are hundreds of writing blogs out there. But there’s only one you.
Maybe you blog about technology, or education, or sports—it doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or what you’re writing about, what matters is you.
Take a look at the last few blog posts you wrote and read them aloud. Do they sound and feel like you, or could anyone have written them? If the answer is the latter, then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity—you’re forgetting to be you.

Yes, content is king. Without something interesting to talk about, your readers won’t come—but without inserting yourself in your content, without weaving in your thoughts, your opinions, your voice into your blog, your readers won’t remember you. They’ll go to another blog with the same content and a better voice.
Don’t be just another blogger. You have something incredible and special and entirely unique because you are the secret ingredient. Isn’t it time your readers see it, too?

Friday, November 18, 2011

How long a blog post should be?

Well, here is a post which is gonna tell you how long should your blog post be for blogging success...
Thanx for for writing this content and I've got this tip from his post and I'm rewriting it!!!!
View this very carefully...

We might as well continue exploring the topic of writing good content with a topic that has been debated by bloggers rather hotly over the years, the length of the optimum post. There are a number of ways of looking at it:
  • Reader Attention Span – It is pretty well documented that the typical web reader has a short attention span when it comes to reading content online. 
  • SEO – There is a fairly strong opinion among those considered experts in Search Engine Optimization that both extremely short and extremely long web pages are not ranked as highly as pages that are of a reasonable length. Of course no one really knows how many words are ideal – but the general opinion seems to be that a page of at least 250 words are probably a reasonable length. Similarly, many advise keeping pages under 1000 words.
  • Quantity of Posts – One theory that goes around is that shorter posts allow you to write more posts and that more posts are better for generating readership with RSS and in Search Engines. While I don’t know their strategy personally, some believe this is what sites like Engadget andGizmodo do with their high number of short posts which make up the majority of their content.
  • Topic/Genre - The type of post that you’re writing will often determine it’s length. For example when writing a review of a product you’ll generally write a longer post than when you write a news related post where you link to something someone else has written.
  • Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic - Ultimately this has to be the main criteria that bloggers go with. I can’t remember who advised this but at some point in the last year I read someone saying that you should write enough to comprehensively cover your topic and then stop. Long posts for the sake of them are not a wise move – but so are short ones that don’t cover the topic well.

Friday, November 4, 2011

To know whether your website is getting traffic or not?

In this post, I'm gonna tell you the main thing that can help you to know whether your blog/website is functioning proper or not? In internet there are mainly two services that can help you to check how's your website functioning? They are 
Google Page Rank Checker &
I'm gonna tell you something about these two!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why Blogging is Cool?

Here I'm gonna write why Blogging is cool and more beneficial than wasting your spare time and their advantages..

Blogging doesn't have age restrictions, Either if you're a 10 year guy or an aged man. You don't need to make your hair brown/white for blogging.. See difference between Darren Rowse(an aged but a  successful blogger)  and Carl Ocab (a young successful blogger).. Its a way of utilizing your that time which you waste without doing anything.... A better way to make some pocket money for yourself. You won't need to ask your mom/dad for that pocket money if you have a good running webiste/blog... A way to be famous and and make new friends. See Darren Rowse,
He's known by almost all blogers and has 31,649 fans on facebook. You can also get some fans and friends(I'm not sure you'll be Darren, but you'll get some). So, Blogging is also a way to make new friends and fans..

So, for those who are newbie in Blogging, I wanna suggest you to keep on Blogging and never leave your passion on Blogging!!!!

Saying these words, I wanna say all of you "GOOD NIGHT"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ways to Make Money Through Your Blog/Website

There is a no use of making blog better if you don't wanna make some money through it!!! Anything you do or the others do is for profit and some income. So, you also need to make some money through blogging. Here, in this post, I'm gonna suggest you some ways of making money online through blogging. So, read these carefully!!!

Selling Advertisement On Blog: This is the most effective and Easiest way of Making Money through the Blog. But first of all for this, You need to have a better traffic generating Blog!You need to get at least 1000 targeted visitors daily and a good keyword search that most of people search on Google!!!(Example:" is in Google first page for the keyword "Make Money Online") You can sell advertisement on your blog easily if the people like your blog and are interested to advertise on it..........You can sell Banner Ads and Text Adds on your blog...... For this remember!!!!! YOU NEED GOOD TRAFFIC AND MANY SUBSCRIBERS!!!!

AdSense is a ‘contextual’ advertising program where publishers simply add a piece of code to their blogs that helps Google analyze what your page is about so they can serve ads on that topic. This increases the chances of your readers clicking the ad which increases the chances that you’ll earn something from them.
AdSense also provide a variety of other income streams to bloggers including a site search tool (you make money by people searching your site) and referral tools (where you can make money by recommending Google products).

Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing is a very popular practice on the Internet. Under this system you have a merchant that is willing to let other people (the affiliates) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based.

Inserting A Donation Button:Placing a “Donate” link or button on a website can be an efficient way to earn money, especially if your blog is on a niche where readers learn and gain value from your content.A small variation of this method appeared sometime ago with the Buy Me a Beer plugin. This WordPress plugin enables you to insert a customized message at the bottom of each article, asking the readers to chip in for a beer or coffee.

Selling Website: This might be your last resource if you are in urgent need of some amount of money that you cannot get y 1 month of blogging. You can put your website on sale for the money you demand according to the rank of website.. Those who are interested to buy will simply contact you and talk to you about buying it!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

#6:Tip Guest Posting In other Blog/Website

This is the most important tip for getting blog's success . Guest posting increases your blog's traffic and you'll get success in blogging.  First of all let me tell you what do you mean by guest posting?
Guest posting is the process of you writing to other blog/website as a guest author/poster
See, its very simple. Guest posting can increase and maximize your blog's traffic. You can write guest posts in many websites. You can find them on GOOGLE.  Guest posts on other blog/website sends you the traffic. First of all you should remember where you need to post as a guest author. You need to post on those websites receives huge amount of traffic everyday. Let's suppose at least 100 visitors a day. When you submit your guest posts in those sites, readers will read them and and if they find interesting, they come to visit your blog for more because readers want to get more and more.But don't forget to post your link/URL of  Your website. If you didn't posted it then they might not find your website and might not come to your blog. Let's suppose you wrote 1 guest post on 10 website for 30 days and it if every site sends even 1 visitors everyday then you'll get 1*10*30=300 visitors every month. man, that's awesome traffic for the new bloggers. Its not that it only sends 1 , it might send many of them. So, you see how much traffic you get from guest posting on other blog/website. It gives you more and more traffic and you'll get success in blogging

#5:Tip Make your blog look better

This tip is also important for getting success in blogging. Visitors like those blogs which have good templates and pictures. Some blogs with very essential contents have also failed because they don't have good templates. Thinking that having great articles and contents will lead to success can destroy your blogging career because nobody likes to do the thing in which they have already failed! So, to make blog look attractive and get more and more visitors in it, you have to make blog look better by inserting the templates that you think will be the best. This attracts the new visitors to it and the old visitors who have gone will also come and this will surely increase your blog's success!

#4:TipWrite The Original Content

This tip is also very essential to get success in blogging. People can find posts and contents everywhere on the internet as there are more than 1billion site in Internet. SO, its not difficult for the readers to find the contents. But readers want the original and unique contents. If you copy your contents from other's blog/website then readers can easily find it if they have gone and will never come to your site/blog again. So, in order to gain their trust you need to write unique and superb contents. Your contents should also be good and helpful. It is not difficult to write to anyone but it's difficult to write the good contents. So, you should take a little bit more time and write good contents by yourself. What happens if you use some extra time for blogging. Nothing goes wrong but you gain the benefit (i.e. New & the old visitors coming again to your blog!). By this your blog/website will also be ranked good and you'll also somehow get success  in blogging .. So, write your own, original and killer content in your blog/website!

#3:Tip Insert photoes in your contents

This tip is very important for getting success in blogging.Pictures make the blog look attractive. You must have heard that "Pictures Speak More Than Word". Picture make blog look unique and attractive and visitors are attracted towards the blog! They keep on visiting your blog regularly and your blog reaches to success. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#2:Tip Write Contents Regularly

The second tip by which you can get success in blogging is b writing contents regularly. Contents are your bombs. One exploded reaches everywhere(please don't think it negative.)Once you've written your contents, it reaches to the search engines. People love those blogs where they can find more and more about  what they need. They get attracted to these blogs. For getting visitors in your new blog, you should 1 content per day or 1 content in 2 days. This makes your blog more valuable and gets more traffic.( For example if  you write1 content in 1 day then:
1x30=30(in 1 month) and 
30x12=360 in 1 year))
Guess, how much people will come to your blog. So, content writing is very much essential for getting success in blogging. 
               But don't write whatever you like at wherever. Write online necessary items for your blog! This might make your blog down and you will be failed!!

#1:Tip Write content relating to the blog's topic

The first tip to get success in blogging is to write content relating to blog'stopic.. It often happens that people get failed in blogging. That is because they don't relate the posts to their blog's topic. You should not do that because it might kill your passion in Blogging. Whenever someone does something and gets failed , he may not touch that thing never again. So, this mustn't happen to you. Write the blogs' content about the topic of your blog.... For Example..(If your blog about making money online then you should write ways  and tips to make money Online.)By this, the visitors might get interested and come to your blog regularly and the traffic of your blog also gets high.. So, it is very important to write content relating to your blog's topic. By this, you can get traffic in your blog....


Welcome to My Blog!
Here you'll get much more about blogging and making Money Online through Blogging...Our main aim to establish this blog is to give you better knowledge and information about blogging and tools and tips to make blog look better and generate maximum Traffic. So, stay with us and get all these ideas and tools for better blogging and Generating traffic in your blog...My tips for blogging are the tips that can help you to get success in blogging. By these tips I've also get success in Blogging so I wanna share this to you.

 Don't forget to subscribe Via Email to our blog to get all these tools and tips in Your email account!!!!

Have a nice Blogging!!!!